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Calabria's ways of life changed from hunter to farmer during the Neolithic revolution when they also began to settle villages.

The Ice-age wiped out all humans from the aera however, they returned during the mid-Paleolithic Age and during the stone age. During this they left behind a 12,000 year old figure of a bull perched on a cliff named Bos Primigenius, and was foundin the present town of Papasidero.


Prehistoric TImes  700,000 B.C - 1,500 B.C

Traces of Homo Erectus around the coast of Calabria indicate and inhabitation as early as 700,000 years B.C

3,500 B.C

700,000 B.C

Magna Crecia 800 - 400 B.C

The Achaen and Chilcidian Greeks toke over most land already settled by the natives, caring on the civilization, farming, community planning, and written law as well as establishing the beautiful grapes, olives, and figs that are found throughout Calabria today.

During Magna Crecia, the philosopher Pythagorus established the first philosophic-scientific school in Kroton, where he often visited.

 800 - 700 B.C

6th Century B.C

The Greeks established colonies in Sybaris, Rhegion (now known as Reggio di Calabria), Kroton (now know as Crotone), and Locri, naming the area Magna Crecia or "Great Greece".

444 B.C

In Kroton, Alcmeone dissected the an eye, ear, brain, and a spinal cord, making Kroton the site of the first medicle school in the world.

The Krotonians destroyed their biggest rival, Sybaris, diverting the waters of the Crati River temporarily to wash over the former city.

510 B.C

The Greeks rebuilt on the site of the destroyed Sybaris settlement and called the new settlement Thurii.

The romans began to take interest in the sothern parts of italy to add to their civilization. For much time over the next 15 years Rome went to war with most native tribs throughout italy, re enforcing their empire.

380 B.C

After Calabria fialed to defend themselves from the Roman empire when they took over one of the regions small townes, the ruler of Kroton at the time fled, leaving Calabria for the Romans.

203 B.C

The Romans continued to expand their power throughout Italy including demolishing Carthage in the Punic Wars, bringing Hannibal, another Italian region at the time to flee and hide in Calabria throughout the duration of the second Punic War.

395 A.D

Alaric and his empire defeated the western half of the Romans

410 A.D

Alaric contracted malaria and died in Consenza. Many believe he and the Roman riches where burried at the bottom of the Busento River

The rest of the Roman empire fell

The rise and Fall of the  Roman empire: 400 B.C - 400 A.D

The western Goths, mainly Alaric the visgoth, challanged the western half of the roman empire.

476 A.D

The Byzantines, a Greek group established in the 6th centurary B.C, came to rule and thrive in Calabria. They named this land Kalos-bruo, meaning fertile earth.

The citizens of Calabria retreated to the mountines for protection, The Arabs only maneged to control some villiges, this enhancing the trade with the eastern world.

Byzantines, Saracens and Normans

Roger II was granted the Kingdom of Sicily as well as all Norman-controlled areas of southern Italy-Campania including : Naples, abruzzo, Molise, Pulia, Basilicata and Calabria.

eNorman Robert Giuscard conquerd all of Italy

1000 A.D

800 A.D

Southern Italy was united as one and many villages were founded.

Saracens, a group of Arabs who had recently counquerd sicilly and new Calabria was a key location, invaded the shores of Calabria, attempting to have control over the region.

1130 A.D

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